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OneBusiness Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

  • Welcome to OneStamp (collectively “Sites” or “Platform”). Please read the following Terms and Conditions and all other policies made available pertaining to the use of OneStamp Sites (collectively referred to as “OneStamp Terms and Conditions”, “Policy” or “Policies”) carefully before using OneStamp Sites or accessing any OneStamp features, contents, functions and/or tools (collectively “Services”); so that you are made aware and well-informed of your legal rights and obligations with regards to Onesoftlab Sdn. Bhd. and its affiliates and subsidiaries (individually and/or collectively, “OneStamp”, “Onesoftlab” “OneStamp Sites”, “company”, “our”, “us”, or “we”). These Terms and Conditions govern and regulate your access and use of our Sites as provided.
  • In this agreement, the above-mentioned parties “Onesoft” and “Onesoftlab” is two distinct entities where “Onesoft” is our product that operates under the “Onesoftlab” company
  • The Terms and Conditions stated herein constitute a legal agreement between you and Onesoftlab Sdn. Bhd.
  • Upon accessing our Sites or creating a user account, you must first read and accept all the requirements, obligations and policies in, and linked to, these Terms and Conditions and you must consent to the processing of your personal data as described in the Privacy Policy.
  • OneStamp reserves the right to decline your access to our Sites or refuse an account registration upon reasonable grounds at our sole and absolute discretion.
  • By proceeding to access any OneStamp features, contents, and/or functions; or creating user account, you hereby expressly convey your irrevocable agreement and consent to be bound by OneStamp Terms and Conditions and any amendments or changes made to this Policy in future. If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not access or use our Sites. If you are under the age of 13, do not create a user account without parental discretion/consent. If you are the parent/legal guardian of the minor creating a user account, you must accept the Terms and Conditions stated herein and you are solely responsible and subject to liability for potential risks for the creation and use of said account.
  • OneStamp reserves all rights at any point in time, and from time to time, with or without prior notice, to change, modify, amend, add, remove, and/or limit any portion of these Terms and Conditions; or to suspend, discontinue, change and/or limit any part of OneStamp Sites to all users or particular users at our sole and absolute discretion, in which OneStamp will not be subject to any form of liability. Your continued access and use of our platform shall constitute your acknowledgement and acceptance of the changes we made to these Terms and Conditions. You agree that you are solely responsible, at any point in time, to update yourself on any changes that are made to these Terms and Conditions.

Privacy Policy

  • OneStamp takes user privacy very seriously and is committed to safeguarding the privacy rights of our users. We firmly believe that it is both the responsibility of OneStamp, where applicable, to comply with relevant laws and regulations surrounding user privacy rights and to the best of our ability uphold information security; and the responsibility of users to be initiatively well-informed and aware of data collection practices conducted by OneStamp. Hence, please review OneStamp’s Privacy Policy to understand our data collection methods and practices. By proceeding to access/use the content, features, functions and/or tools of our platform, you:
    • expressly agree to OneStamp’s data collection practices and procedures of its users;
    • expressly provide consent to the collection, use, management, disclosure, storage, transfer, and/or processing of your personal data by OneStamp, incompliance with applicable laws or regulations put into place by us; and
    • shall not hold OneStamp liable under any terms on our Sites unless otherwise stated as per the agreement stated in the Policy

Prices and payment

  • According to our company plans, we will from time to time change the prices quoted on our website, but this will not affect contracts that have already been confirmed and come into effect.
  • All amounts stated in these Terms and Conditions or on our website are all exclusive of VAT and if inclusive will then be stated as [inclusive of VAT]
  • You understand that if you fail to make the payment in full, OneStamp is entitled to withhold the products/services ordered and/or by written notice to you at any time cancel the contract of sale for the products/services

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  • These Terms of Use shall be interpreted, governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in Malaysia. Any disputes or legal proceedings arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts, unless Onesoftlab in its own prudence agrees upon the same for settlement via arbitration.

Suspension and Termination

  • You agree that Onesoftlab remains the right to discontinue, suspend or terminate your program and its relating services without prior notice and liability if:
    • We in good faith suspect that your account is in breach of our Terms of Use;
    • You submitted and provided false documents or information upon registering with us;
    • You are subjected to any pending legal action, investigation or litigation with us, and your name is listed under any governmental regulatory watchlist; and
    • You have exploited our services in a predatory manner and acted with malicious intent, disrupting and violating the regulations of the marketplace.
  • If we suspect any use of our services to be associated with illegal, fraudulent, offensive, harassing or threatening intentions, we may report or refer you to relevant enforcement authorities.


  • By agreeing to the terms and conditions, you acknowledge and agree that you shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Onesoftlab, and its licensors, shareholders, affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, members, and employees (collectively indemnified parties) from and against any and all settlements, damages, claims, liabilities, and expenses, including, without limitation, any other dispute resolution fees) arising out of or relating to:
    • By transactions made on our Sites;
    • Your use or misuse of the Services;
    • Content that you upload on our Sites; and
    • Your violation of any Terms of use

Intellectual Property Rights

  • All proprietary content, trademark, metadata, design, logo, brand name, copyrighted material and other intellectual property rights (“Intellectual Property”) made available on our Sites are the exclusive property of Onesoftlab Sdn Bhd
  • Onesoftlab does not permit any modification or removal of existing works extending from all proprietary content owned by the company without prior authorization.
  • Onesoftlab does not allow listings that violate the intellectual property ownership rights of other brands or intellectual property rights owners
  • Any infringement issues suspected by merchants should be made known to us, supported with relevant documentation at [[email protected]]
  • Subject to section 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, if a third party makes a claim against you or Onesoftlab (“Recipient” which may refer to you or Onesoftlab depending on the receiving party of the material or information), that any information, design, software, hardware or data (collectively, “Material”) formed by either you or Onesoftlab (“Provider” can be you or Onesoftlab, referring to the party that provided the material) and used by the Recipient infringes the third party’s intellectual property rights, the Provider, at the provider’s sole cost and expense, will defend the Recipient against the claim and indemnify the Recipient from damages, liabilities, costs and expenses awarded by the court to the third party claiming infringement or the settlement agreed to by the Provider, if the Recipient fulfils the requirement of:
    • Notify the Provider in written instrument within 30 days
    • Allow the Provider sole control over the settlement negotiations; and
    • Allow the Provider with information, authority and necessary assistance to defend against or settle the claim


  • If either party breaches a material term of the Master Agreement and fails to correct and adjust the breach within 30 days of written specification of the breach, then the breaching party is in default and the non-breaching party may terminate the Master Agreement.
    • As specified in the preceding clause, in the event that Onesoftlab terminates the Master Agreement, you must pay including, but not limited to, any and all amounts of accrued expenses, unpaid credits for products ordered, taxes and expenses within a period of 30 days

Force Majeure

  • In the event where either party is unable to perform their obligations under this terms and conditions due to acts of God, including, but not limited to, strikes, pandemic, electrical and internet shortage, equipment and transmission failures, damage beyond its reasonable control, such party shall not be liable to the other party for any damages resulting from such failure to perform.
    • Onesoftlab will try, at its best, to use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effects of a force majeure event
    • If such an event continues beyond 30 days, either party may opt to cancel unperformed service offerings and affected orders upon written notice.


  • By virtue of the Master Agreement, the parties hereby agree that during the term hereof, and at all times that all parties will hold confidential information as required by any applicable law and in all cases in strict confidence
  • The parties will not in any way, directly, indirectly or otherwise, disclose, use, disseminate, convey, publish confidential information relating to any proprietary or trade secret information of the company without prior written consent of the company

Limitation of liability

  • The platform and/or services and all data contained therein are provided on “as is” basis and “as available” basis without any warranties, representations, or claims made by OneStamp of any kind either expressed or implied or statutory, including, without limitation, merchantability, non-infringement, satisfaction, warranties of quality, suitability and fitness for a particular purpose
  • All data and/or information contained are provided for informational purposes only
  • OneStamp does not warrant or represent that:
    • The Platform and/or its Services or functions will be accessible, uninterrupted, secure, error-free, timely, accurate, and complete;
    • Errors and defects in the application and/or software, if any, will be corrected; and;
    • The application and/or the server that makes the application available are free of any viruses, harmful codes, programs


  • In the event of a dispute arising under any of these provisions, and a resolution cannot be reached, the dispute shall be resolved through Court Litigation if mediation cannot be agreed upon

OneStamp Features

Loyalty Programme (point, membership)

  • OneStamp supports a loyalty programme within our platform that comes up with a membership rank and loyalty point within the system
  • Validity period of loyalty points are determined and set by merchants
  • Users can earn, get, or receive loyalty points through:
    • Purchasing coupons
    • Uploading a receipt of an offline purchase via Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
      • By using OCR, when the amount in the uploaded receipt matches the data in the system, the loyalty points earned will be transferred/debited directly to the user’s account
      • If the picture of the receipt provided is blur, contain markings or are not clearly visible, then users will need the merchant’s approval to proceed
      • If the participating merchant opts to use Onesoft’s POS system, the loyalty points earned will automatically be transferred to the user’s loyalty point wallet. Once this transaction has been completed, users will not be able to earn any extra points by uploading the receipt to the OCR system
    • “Loyalty Scan” refers to user’s unique QR code made available for merchants to scan and earn points
      • You understand that if there is an error such as glitches, malfunctions and hardware failures, there will be no necessary replacement or restoration given from the system and that any replacement will be dependent on the merchant

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

  • Data Ownership
    • Onesoftlab shall collect details, information and relevant data throughout the use of the platform
    • You understand that the data collected is the merchant’s sole ownership and responsibility and that Onesoftlab under no circumstances be liable for direct, indirect or consequential incidences arising out of or in connection with the collection of data
    • OneStamp works in compliance with all applicable information privacy laws, data privacy laws and the data protection act in Malaysia. Please refer to our privacy policy for further details regarding our data collection practices

Whatsapp Marketing

  • OneStamp supports a Whatsapp marketing service for our merchants to promote their brand
  • You understand that OneStamp is not in direct collaboration with Whatsapp and that any bugs and errors occurred from these companies are not related to OneStamp, and agree that OneStamp’s ability to amend the situation is limited


Innovative Solutions for the Digital Era

At Onesoftlab, we take a different approach to software development, utilizing cutting-edge technologies and innovative methodologies to deliver solutions that exceed expectations. Our commitment to excellence sets us apart in the digital landscape.


C-2-36, Block Camilia, 10 Boulevard, Jalan Cempaka, Kg. Sg. Kayu Ara, PJU6A, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
+603-7733 5030
Mon-Fri 9.00am - 6.00pm